Betaine is an important ingredient in broiler nutrition. It improves production performance, replaces other methyl group donor such as choline and methionine, assists birds under heat stress conditions and improves slaughter characteristics.

Additional information


Betaine 40%


Betaine has a number of physiological functions which result in osmoprotection, enhancement of cellular water retention and nutrient digestibility, methyl donation, etc. within the host. These activities make betagal an attractive candidate for use against the clinical signs of coccidiosis, anorexia, maldigestion and malabsorption of nutrient, diarrhea and dehydration, and intestinal damage.
Betagal helps reduce heat stress in poultry.
– Higher efficiency than choline and methionine as a methyl groups donor
– A reduction in fatty liver
– Enhanced carcass yield
– Reduced water:feed ratio, and thus improved litter quality

Administration and dosage

1.25-2.50 ml/L drinking water for 3-5 days.

Special warnings

Keep out of reach of children.
Not for human consumption.

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